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Work Retaliation Lawyers

Premier Work Retaliation Lawyers in California

Are you looking for a dependable and trusted lawyer to help with your workplace retaliation case in Los Angeles? United Employees Law Group has got you covered! We have a team of experienced staff at UELG in Los Angeles that are highly seasoned in dealing with every aspect of the most complicated workplace retaliation cases.

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Are you experiencing workplace retaliation? Well then you have come to the right place, we are here to help you. There is no reason to tolerate retaliation. Retaliation in the workplace can happen in many different forms, either directly or indirectly. A direct retaliation would be something like the business not advancing you in your career because you helped the IRS review something that affected the business in a negative way. Indirect retaliation is when the retaliating is happening against your co-worker who is employed in the same organization, because of something that you did that seemed to negatively affect the company.

It is very unfortunate that workplace retaliation is typically present in most work environments. It is very common that when a group of workers faces retaliation they are often fired, demoted, receive pay cuts, are not invited to professional gatherings, etc. Luckily there is equal employment law set in place in California that protect employees from experiencing this type of mistreatment. California’s law the Fair Employment and Housing Act (FEHA) does not allow businesses to commit retaliation in the workplace.

If you ever find yourself in a scenario that feels like workplace retaliation, direct or indirect, please reach out to us for a consultation. We are here for you, and would love to help you with your situation.

Generally, what does the Retaliation Law say in California?

In basic principle, retaliation in the workplace is when a business takes out their anger on an employee because they have done something that negatively affected the business in some way. In some instances, retaliation can be when an employee is complaining about something, and then the employee’s supervisor cuts their hours, purposely makes it so they cannot complete projects, or finds a false reason leading to a wrongful termination from the business.

While these examples seem completely unreasonable, not every single case of work retaliation is illegal. Our employment law firm has received many calls from individuals who have felt some form of retaliation, however, they do not have an actual case.

To understand why some cases are worth pursuing, and some are not, please read the following:

There is a noteworthy contrast between things that are out of line and things that are illegal.

With that introduction, you are presumably asking yourself the following obvious question, “Okay, so what sorts of retaliation are considered illegal?”

At its most basic level, California’s retaliation laws restrict employers from making any antagonistic moves against an employee just because they made a complaint or took any action against the company that is legally protected.

California’s congress and court system clearly define protected activities. What are these exceptions or confidential activities, and where would you be able to discover them?

Here is a detailed outline of the possible protected activities that the worker might have engaged in:

Then again, it is completely lawful for organizations to retaliate against an employee if:

In its most straightforward structure, unlawful retaliation is roused by an action you took that is secured by law like the former list.

Your Employment Status Should Not Be Affected

It is critical to take a look at unlawful retaliation in the workplace inside the setting of where you are at the present time. In the event that you remain employed, a lawyer can offer you diverse guidance, since the situation is very complicated. On the off chance that the retaliation you encountered brought about a wrongful termination, for the most part, a lawyer will take your situation much more directly as it is more straightforward if the employer has already taken such punitive action in response to your actions at work.

In the event that you are still employed:

  1. Do not be reactive and begin achieving all the set goals in your job. At least do what you can to reach all the goals set forth for you. It’s hard for an organization to legitimately terminate a worker that is exceptionally hard-working and gives unprecedented work effort to the organization.
  2. Send the message regarding retaliation to the person in authority. Make sure to do this formally. In the event that you trust them, it will be beneficial. Compose an affable and non-accusatory objection, and send it to whoever is fitting in the company. This “protest” should be useful, productive, and give sensible solutions. It is commonly not a good idea to just point the finger and accuse the person who punished you. This may only make things worse and not add anything to your case, or even possibly even harm it. The above is only for consideration, and you should talk to a lawyer before taking or not taking any action.
  3. Generally, it is best to call a lawyer when you are fired or terminated. On the off chance that you need to remain at the organization, threatening a warning of taking it to court typically causes a poor reaction, and is commonly an inefficient plan. There are exceptional cases to this, but generally, it is not advised to declare you are taking your company to court if you plan to stay with the company for some time while you build your case. Do this in private and do not tell anyone until you absolutely must inform them. Furthermore, many lawyers may not consider accepting a case before there is a separation of employment since there are little or no damages in that you are still working and receiving income.

If by chance you were already terminated:

If by chance you can demonstrate with proof that your boss terminated you because you participated in a protected activity, at that point, you may have strong grounds to take legal action. We will investigate the facts in this instance and we will look into retaliation here.

For what reason would you need to seek a claim? If you win a retaliation case, the business might be compelled to pay your lost wages and rewards (back-pay), future lost wages (front-pay), emotional harm, and other damages.

At the point when you are terminated for a protected reason, clearly, the organization will not concede that reality. They know that what they did was potentially illegal. They may give a false explanation, similar to “terrible work disposition,” “lateness,” or “lackluster performance.” This phony explanation may even have some fact to it, perhaps you were late recently, but you were not fired then. If you can prove that there was enough delay between the false reason and the reality that you were fired for a protected action you may have a more solid case.

Company Actions that are considered Retaliation

California’s retaliation law is in place so that an organization cannot make an antagonistic move against a worker if you make one of the protected actions. On the other hand, managers are permitted to discipline an employee who makes a false claim.

If you are making a claim against your company, you do need to have proof of the retaliation against you. To win a counterclaim your workplace retaliation lawyer should build up a correlation between your actions and the retaliation against you. They must build a solid case that you were terminated because of the protected action that you made and not for any other reason.

For example, let us imagine that you were making complaints about a dangerous workplace. After you made a few complaints about this, then the organization you work for put you on a performance improvement plan (PIP). If you are then are terminated, it might appear as you were put on PIP as a result of your complaint. But if your boss can demonstrate that they put you on the PIP because of your performance, not your complaints, and had done the same thing to other workers you do not have a strong case and will probably not have a favorable outcome in court.

Here are the company actions that are defined as retaliation by the California Law:

Retaliation in the workplace happens in many forms. California state laws dealing with retaliation are in place explicitly for that purpose. If you feel that you are in a situation where you have suffered retaliation the best thing that you can do is consult with a work retaliation attorney.

You may find yourself in these situations, but do not fear because we are here for you.

Why Choose United Employees Law Group as your work retaliation lawyers?

Our focus goes beyond presenting top-notch legal advice to our clients. UELG understands employees and has a real-world approach to presenting cost-efficient and timely legal services. Our values determine how our lawyers work together and how we relate to our clients. Our culture is one of rapid adaptation, enterprise, and innovation to change.

Our core values are:

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Every employee deserves to be represented by a trusted and experienced Los Angeles workplace retaliation attorney. Here at United Employees Law Group, that’s what we strive to offer with all our practice areas.

If you believe that you have been professionally mistreated, we investigate and if so, we will fight for you.

Call United Employees Law Group today to schedule a free, no-risk consultation with one of our skilled and reliable workplace retaliation attorneys. We represent employees in legal disputes in the workplace. Our firm will offer you sound legal assistance to help you protect your civil rights.

Call us today at 888-455-7434 to schedule a free consultation. You can also visit us at our office location at 5500 Bolsa Avenue, Suite 201, Huntington Beach, CA 92649.

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